Hell needs more boots on the ground. But those boots aren't going to make themselves (demons not actual boots). Usually the demon known as the Stitcher would make hell's armies.... however, they recently quit... So now the job falls on your tiny shoulders to assemble demons ordered by the dark one himself. Good luck!

Mini Tutorial (Ran out of time in the jam to put one in):

Days do not start until you clock in, so you can have a waltz around and explore. You'll notice two rooms above, two rooms on either side and one room below. These rooms have the body parts you'll need to craft your the demon(s) on your order sheet. Body part freezers are labeled, you'll just need to remember the room.

Clock in and start going. Watch the time on the console! If time runs out you automatically clock out, ending your day. During the day you're expected to fill orders which you can view using [TAB]. Grab your body parts plop them the operation table and match the order and keep track of the quantity you submitted. 

Submit your order by heading over to the console and hitting the submit button. Next to that is the dispose button, in case you're not happy with the parts. Keep track of that quantity though!

Engines (hearts) are required to submit bodies and define the type of demon. So you can have a Lust Demon that needs Wrath legs. The matching engine defines the demon as being a Lust demon.

Game Design Document:


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